Stockholm Stock Exchange | Mid Cap
3 months
Goldman SachsRBCDNBCarnegieKempenRX SecuritiesNordea MarketsDNB Markets

Price Targets For Bioarctic

AnalystPrice TargetDateUpside
Goldman Sachs345 SEKMay 23
RBC450 SEKFeb 15
DNB350 SEKFeb 15
Carnegie370 SEKFeb 15
Kempen350 SEKNov -23
RX Securities400 SEKJun -23
Nordea Markets356 SEKNov -22
DNB Markets250 SEKJul -21

About The Company

BioArctic is a Swedish research intensive biopharma company aimed at developing new treatments that address the causes of disorders that affect the Central Nervous System. These types of treatments are commonly referred to as “disease modifiers”. They affect the underlying disease pathology and can hopefully stop or significantly delay disease progression.