Enad Global 7
3 months
Kepler CheuvreuxABG Sundal CollierHandelsbanken Capital MarketsHandelsbanken

Price Targets For Enad Global 7

AnalystPrice TargetDateUpside
Kepler Cheuvreux30 SEKJan -24
ABG Sundal Collier40 SEKJun -23
Handelsbanken Capital Markets60 SEKJun -23
Handelsbanken50 SEKJan -22

About The Company

Enad Global 7 AB is a Swedish video game holding company based in Stockholm. It was founded as Toadman Interactive in 2013 by Robin Flodin and Rasmus Davidsson as a work-for-hire consultancy studio. The company began fully developing games in 2017 and became a public company later that year.