Stockholm Stock Exchange | Large Cap
3 months
Handelsbanken Capital MarketsDanske BankABG Sundal CollierSEBSEB EquitiesCarnegieHandelsbanken

Price Targets For Lagercrantz

AnalystPrice TargetDateUpside
Handelsbanken Capital Markets272 SEKAug 27
Danske Bank198 SEKJul 19
ABG Sundal Collier200 SEKJul 9
SEB182 SEKJun 18
SEB Equities170 SEKMar 26
Carnegie142 SEKFeb 7
Handelsbanken100 SEKMay -21

About The Company

Lagercrantz Group is a technology group that offers value-creating technical solutions, based on proprietary products and on products from leading suppliers. The group consists of some 70 companies, each business is focused towards a specific submarket, a niche. Common to the operations is the technical content and that the sale takes place to other companies and that value creation is in focus.