Stockholm Stock Exchange | Large Cap
3 months
DNBSEB EquitiesExane BNP ParibasSEBDanske BankDNB MarketsCarnegieKepler CheuvreuxJP MorganNordea MarketsGoldman Sachs

Price Targets For Storskogen

AnalystPrice TargetDateUpside
DNB9.25 SEKMay 10
SEB Equities10 SEKMay 8
Exane BNP Paribas6 SEKFeb 20
SEB9 SEKFeb 16
Danske Bank6 SEKFeb 16
DNB Markets8.7 SEKFeb 16
Carnegie15 SEKFeb 16
Kepler Cheuvreux15 SEKAug -23
JP Morgan11 SEKFeb -23
Nordea Markets18 SEKOct -22
Goldman Sachs14.5 SEKJul -22

About The Company

Storskogen was founded in 2012, with a mission to acquire and operate well-managed and profitable small and medium-sized companies with leading positions in their respective markets. Storskogen is divided into three business areas, consisting of about 100 business units with around 7,000 employees, at the end of the third quarter 2021, predominantly in Sweden as well as in the other Nordic countries, Germany, Switzerland and the UK.